Privacy Policy

Privacy policy page is created to inform the website users regarding our allegiance towards them. It’s our humble request that all the users must go through the folksgrowth privacy policy before they use the website or share any kind of personal information.

If you decide to choose our services, you show your agreement towards the collection and use of your personal information. Moreover, we make sure that you receive a timely response from our side if there is any mistake in your information. You simply need to inform us and resend your correct information through a folksgrowth. folksgrowth offer links to websites along with content accessibility.

Information Collection and Use

To have a better experience with folksgrowth, you need to provide us your personal information which includes your name, contact details, and email address. All the information collected by our team will be used to further contact you and update you about our latest posts. We never share email ids of our clients with an outsider.

If you have any question or query, you can direct us through our Contact Us page.