Urban vs Ruler education systems in the world- By Mishaal Qasim

It is impossible to overstate the value of raising a region’s educational level. This is because education is crucial to the improvement of both individual and societal well-being and prosperity in areas with the greatest literacy rates. A stable middle class may be fostered via a country’s economic and cultural advancements by providing its citizens with access to a high-quality, widely available educational system. In reality, when a country’s population is mostly comprised of young people, its prosperity depends on its capacity to develop the talents and abilities of its rapidly expanding workforce.

Importance of Education Systems

Many people have the misconception that rural schoolchildren often get a worse quality of education than their urban counterparts. We can notice that many pupils who reside in rural regions have inferior academic accomplishments when compared to children who live in urban areas because of their background. There are several causes for the achievement difference between pupils living in rural and urban settings. Compared to their rural counterparts, urban schoolchildren have several advantages.
Students in urban centres outperform their rural counterparts because they have access to a higher standard of education, a wider variety of informational resources (such as print and digital media), and a more supportive social network composed of similarly well-educated individuals (Nachtigal, 2019). When compared to their rural counterparts, they have a wealth of educational resources at their disposal. Students in rural locations sometimes have less experience with and understanding of global concerns because of their isolation.

Urban Education Systems


One of the most important influences on a child’s success in rural areas is the family. It seems that the educational attainment of one’s parents is directly correlated with that of their children, explaining why pupils in rural regions do worse than their urban counterparts. It is generally true that rural parents have lower levels of education than their urban counterparts. Students’ academic success is heavily influenced by their home environments.

The socio-economic aspect

The vast majority of rural schoolchildren come from economically disadvantaged homes. They do not have access to adequate learning materials at home to be successful. Students in suburban and rural locations tend to come from wealthier backgrounds, and as a result, they often have the privilege of attending supplementary educational programes in order to catch up academically with their urban counterparts. Students in the city can also acquire extra books for reference, whereas those in the country have less access to educational materials, which might have a negative impact on their academic performance.

Lack of resources

The lack of funding and inadequate facilities in many schools, particularly in rural regions, are significant issues. It’s been my experience that some rural schools are in far worse condition than their metropolitan counterparts. The issue of provincial, rural, and urban communities receiving uneven amounts of funding persists. Improvements to the physical environment may have a significant impact on the quality of education provided. Students in remote locations have limited access to technology because of inadequate infrastructure.

Lack of quality teachers

The role of the teacher in developing high-achieving pupils is crucial. The vast majority of educators would rather not be transferred to urban communities. Typically, pupils in metropolitan regions have access to educators with strong English language abilities. Teachers in metropolitan areas often have to compete for teaching positions. Because of this disparity, rural schools are likely to be understaffed, which will have a negative impact on student performance. The teachers that are available lack proper qualifications. Students are not given proper exercises like creative thinking. They gave descriptive essay topics which do not develop their mental capabilities.

How can this bridge be filled?


The government must take responsibility for boosting rural schools’ ability to provide quality education. Governments need to ensure that schools in rural regions have access to the same resources as those in metropolitan areas. In addition, the government should provide financial aid to rural students, the vast majority of whom come from low-income households and thus cannot afford to get adequate education or access to necessary social services on their own.


Parents should take on their responsibilities at home while instructors fulfil theirs at school. Parents in rural regions, despite their lack of education, can still support their children to succeed academically by providing them with emotional encouragement and support. When parents cannot help their kids academically, they may at least encourage them to work hard in school.


When it comes to education, the teacher is a driving force. Teachers are a potential solution to the issue of poor achievement among children in rural areas. Teachers can motivate students to study and help them finish most of their assignments in class, where they have access to their teachers and can get clarification on any points they may have missed. Teachers can help students who want to become nurses by giving them nursing essay topics to write on (masteressaywriter, 2022). A teacher’s ability to establish a safe and encouraging classroom atmosphere is directly linked to the success of their pupils. When instructors get connected to their pupils, they are better able to guide them to success in the classroom.


Clearly, there are distinctions in the academic achievements of pupils attending schools in urban and rural areas. Students who are fortunate enough to reside in a major city will be afforded many options to achieve academic success. Many educational possibilities and advantages are more readily available to urban pupils than to their rural counterparts. Also, urban parents are savvier and value education more than their rural counterparts.


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